
Laboratory at Baheya Hospital is one of the most prominent laboratories in
Egypt and the Arab World. It provides all tests that can help in the early
detection of cancers and detection of liver and heart diseases. In addition, it
helps in examining and following up with patients suffering from diabetes, anemia, and allergy, in addition to carrying out premarital screening and monitoring
patients with endocrine disorders.
Laboratory at Baheya Hospital follows American quality standards in all
test results using standard substances in addition to the barcode and
programs that connect all devices with the patient’s number and results to
prevent human errors.
department sets a practical and scientific plan with a target of taking
important steps during the next period that will help get the most accurate
results. Baheya Laboratory seeks to provide high-quality laboratory services
using the latest technology while prioritizing the needs and desires of the
patient. In addition, we work hard to get accurate results, respond to the
client’s needs, and provide quick service.
Lab includes the best physicians and consultants in different medical
specialties in addition to the latest medical equipment.